Introducing Dickies 1922, a collection of authentic replica products manufactured in the same way they were a century ago. Dickies 1922 is produced in the Dickies factory in Uvalde, Texas, one of the company’s oldest, continually operating factories.
Someone once said that fashion fades but style lasts forever. This is the sentiment behind Dickies 1922 Collection where old-school, vintage style has been reworked to fit today’s modern standards.
Named for the very fact that Dickies has been in the business of producing workwear since 1922, it’s obvious as to where the inspiration for this collection came from. With dark wash denim and other hard wearing fabrics this collection was designed for men who don’t mind getting their hands dirty.
The Dickies 1922 collection is made up of shirts, pants and jackets that are based on designs from the brand’s early years. Each item carries with it some semblance of 1920’s style but updated to feature a more modern silhouette.
Layout - Adam Russ (
Model - Ben (